Trekonomics Star Trek Socialism


Robots Property & Ownership

 ...Artificial Intelligence Will Kill Capitalism. A society driven by artificial intelligence will be a society without work, which will render the mere function of money useless...

...Fear of machines that can liberate us from drudgery is a symptom of a timid and divided society. ... Our societies must embrace the rise of the machines, but ensure that they contribute to shared prosperity by granting every citizen property rights over them, yielding a universal basic dividend...'s only just the beginning, experts say. Looming technological advances will wipe out more jobs, broadening the base of disenfranchised, unemployable and frustrated citizens. Meanwhile, elites with the skills to flourish in the digital economy will get richer. And governments will have to figure out how to help struggling citizens...


...Since the private owners of such robots would presumably not be eager to just give away their production for free, we imagine that the State would have to take over the means of production currently in their possession – et voila, the Marxist system would be resurrected in its full glory (only “better” this time).  Whether or not the State’s representatives would ask nicely for the property of these evil capitalist robot owners, it seems likely that such a takeover would not be entirely free of conflict...

...Who will pay for these jobs? Here is where the enormous wealth concentrated in relatively few hands comes in. It strikes me as unavoidable that large chunks of the money created by A.I. will have to be transferred to those whose jobs have been displaced. This seems feasible only through Keynesian policies of increased government spending, presumably raised through taxation on wealthy companies... 

...To Tame the Rise of the Robots, Buy Them! As more and more routine tasks get automated, many low and middle income jobs will be at risk while a minority of high-skilled people will reap the benefits of the pick-up in productivity via higher pay. This in turn will lead to an increase in inequality, with potentially devastating social effects. ...Bandholz offers another response: Spread the ownership of capital to ensure a more equitable distribution of robotic rents.

Almost 14 million workers owned shares in their own companies as of 2013. The goal, in this case, wouldn’t be to put the workers in control of the robots, but to redistribute more fairly the added value they create. The main purpose of granting ownership rights to employees should be to cushion the impact of falling labor income by giving them access to capital income, rather than to make the allocation process of capital more efficient... 

To Tame the Rise of the Robots, Buy Them


...People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real problem is that they’ve already taken over the world. Recent years have brought extraordinary advances in the technical domains of AI. Alongside such efforts, designers and researchers from a range of disciplines need to conduct what we call social-systems analyses of AI. They need to assess the impact of technologies on their social, cultural and political settings...

 ...Most of us have wondered what we might do if we didn’t need to work – if we woke up one morning to discover we had won the lottery, say. ...But imagine how that vision might change if such freedom were extended to everyone... 

Our Biggest Fight

Reclaiming Liberty, Humanity, and Dignity in the Digital Age The internet as we know it is broken. Here’s how we can seize back contr...