The Social Brain Hypothesis

The Social Brain Hypothesis was proposed by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, who argues that  

human intelligence did not evolve primarily as a means to
solve ecological problems, but rather as a means of surviving
and reproducing in large and complex social groups

Some of the behaviors associated with living in large groups include reciprocal altruism, deception and coalition formation. These group dynamics relate to Theory of Mind or the ability to understand the thoughts and emotions of others...

Why Are Our Brains So Ridiculously Big? 

Tool use and exploration may be just side effects of social skills. How did our brains get so big? Researchers have put forward a number of possible explanations over the years, but the one with the most staying power is an idea known as the social brain hypothesis. Its chief proponent, psychologist Robin Dunbar of Oxford University, has argued for the past two decades that the evolution of the human brain was driven by our increasingly complex social relationships. We required greater neural processing power so that we could keep track of who was doing what to whom.

Our expanded brains could have been practical for other things, of course, such as innovations in tool use and food gathering. Most researchers, including Dunbar, agree that these hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. Whatever the reasons for the very large human noggin, there is a lot of explaining to do, because big brains have a lot going against them.

The oversized Homo sapiens brain let us take over the planet, build cities, send space probes to Mars, and do all the other marvelous things that we humans are so proud of. But none of these things makes us much better at reproducing, and in terms of evolution, that’s really all that matters. It’s not so obvious why Darwinian natural selection should have favored the brain’s dramatic expansion given the huge costs. Although the human brain is only about 2 percent of total body weight, it siphons off about 20 percent of our total calorie intake; this overall percentage varies little whether we are engaged in hard mental tasks or just zoning out.

Why Are Our Brains So Ridiculously Big?

Humans Evolved Big Brains to Be Social?

Why do we have big brains? …Many explanations for the evolution of primate intelligence relate to the challenges of finding food. Monkeys and apes need big brains to keep track of widely distributed, patchy and unpredictable foods like fruit. Or maybe they need enhanced intelligence to extract food embedded in a tough shell or to collect termites hiding in a mound.

Critics of such arguments have pointed out that these problems are not necessarily unique to primates. As an alternative, in the late 1980s, scientists suggested primates have big brains because they are highly social animals. Primates are not the only mammals that live in large groups, but monkeys and apes stand out, in general, for having very intense social relationships. In fact, watching a group of monkeys is kind of like watching a soap opera: Individuals have friends, but they also have enemies. They team up to form coalitions to overthrow their foes, but they also reconcile after a fight. They yield to the leaders of their group, but they also sneak off to engage in clandestine affairs when no one’s looking.

If you’re going to be involved in all of these social maneuverings, you need to be able to keep track of all sorts of social information—how you relate to others in the group, how third parties relate to one another—but more importantly, you need to be able to use that information to your benefit. And to do that, you need a big brain. That’s the basis of the Social Brain Hypothesis (PDF).

Humans Evolved Big Brains to Be Social? Some scientists think humans and other primates evolved big brains in response to the social challenges of living in large groups 

Almost all primates live in groups with an observable and definable social hierarchy, and humans aren’t an exception. We may overlook it in our day to day lives, but every so often it becomes evident that we interact best when we understand the pecking order. The social brain hpyothesis argues that the cognitive demands of living in complexly bonded social groups selected for increases in executive brain… 

…the striatum showed activity in a situation where a rise or fall in rank was a possibility as much as it did to the monetary reward. The stratium is a critical part of the brain where dopamine is regulated, and a previous study investigated the genetics of dopamine and the linkage it had to agressive social behaviors. Overall, this observation implies that social status is highly valued in our subconscious minds, even as much as money. 

Another interesting observation involved subjects that were presented a ‘superior competitor’ in the game. When that happened, it triggered activity in, “an area near the front of the brain that appears to size people up – making interpersonal judgments and assessing social status. A circuit involving the mid-front part of the brain that processes the intentions and motives of others and emotion processing areas deep in the brain activated when the hierarchy became unstable, allowing for upward and downward mobility.”

Also when the player preformed better than any superior competitors, another area towards the front of the brain which controls planning was activated. In contrast, when the player did worse than an inferior competitor different activity was shown in centers of the brain associated with emotional pain, frustration, and stress…

…players who were at the top of the hierarchy, not only did they say they had a more positive experience but more activity was associated in the emotional pain circuitry when they perceived an outcome that could drop them down in rank.

These results kinda thwart any Utopian anarchists out there. This data shows that our brain’s hierarchical consciousness seems to be ingrained in the human brain, so much so that there are distinct circuits activated by concerns over social rank.

The Social Brain Hypothesis: Are our brains hardwired to deal with social hierarchies?

Primates have unusually large brains for body size compared to all other vertebrates. The conventional explanation for this is known as the “social brain hypothesis,” which argues that primates need large brains because their form of sociality is much more complex than that of other species (Byrne & Whiten, 1988). This does not mean that they live in larger social groups than other species of animals (in fact, they don’t), but rather that their groups have a more complex structure.

Summary: Primate societies are unusually complex compared to those of other animals, and the need to manage such complexity is the main explanation for the fact that primates have unusually large brains. Primate sociality is based on bonded relationships that underpin coalitions, which in turn are designed to buffer individuals against the social stresses of living in large, stable groups. This is reflected in a correlation between social group size and neocortex size in primates (but not other species of animals), commonly known as the social brain hypothesis, although this relationship itself is the outcome of an underlying relationship between brain size and behavioral complexity. The relationship between brain size and group size is mediated, in humans at least, by mentalizing skills. Neuropsychologically, these are all associated with the size of units within the theory of mind network (linking prefrontal cortex and temporal lobe units). In addition, primate sociality involves a dual-process mechanism whereby the endorphin system provides a psychopharmacological platform off which the cognitive component is then built. 

Robin I. M. Dunbar - The Social Brain Hypothesis and Human Evolution

The Paper: The Social Brain Hypothesis and Human Evolution (free) 

Robin I. M. Dunbar

A key driver of brain evolution in primates and humans is the cognitive demands arising from managing social relationships. In primates, grooming plays a key role in maintaining these relationships, but the time that can be devoted to grooming is inherently limited. Communication may act as an additional, more time-efficient bonding mechanism to grooming.

Chimpanzees had differentiated social relationships, with focal chimpanzees maintaining some level of proximity to almost all group members, but directing gestures at and grooming with a smaller number of preferred social partners. 

Pairs of chimpanzees that had high levels of close proximity had higher rates of grooming. Importantly, higher rates of gestural communication were also positively associated with levels of proximity, and specifically gestures associated with affiliation (greeting, gesture to mutually groom) were related to proximity. Synchronized low-intensity pant-hoots were also positively related to proximity in pairs of chimpanzees. 

Further, there were differences in the size of individual chimpanzees' proximity networks—the number of social relationships they maintained with others. Focal chimpanzees with larger proximity networks had a higher rate of both synchronized low- intensity pant-hoots and synchronized high-intensity pant-hoots. 

These results suggest that in addition to grooming, both gestures and synchronized vocalizations may play key roles in allowing chimpanzees to manage a large and differentiated set of social relationships. 

Gestures may be important in reducing the aggression arising from being in close proximity to others, allowing for proximity to be maintained for longer and facilitating grooming. 

Vocalizations may allow chimpanzees to communicate with a larger number of recipients than gestures and the synchronized nature of the pant-hoot calls may facilitate social bonding of more numerous social relationships. 

As group sizes increased through human evolution, both gestures and synchronized vocalizations may have played important roles in bonding social relationships in a more time-efficient manner than grooming.


Primate sociality is frequently characterized as being especially complex in its nature, and primates have unusually large brains for their body size when compared to other mammals. The “social brain hypothesis” proposes that the complex social world of primates is especially cognitively demanding, and that this imposed intense selection pressure for increasingly large brains (Byrne and Whiten, 1988; Dunbar, 1998). 

Group size in primates is strongly correlated with brain size, and specifically with neocortex size in relation to the rest of the brain, but exactly what makes larger groups more complex than smaller groups is poorly understood (Dunbar, 2003). The complexity of primate social groups depends on the complexity of individual relationships between animals, because the social system itself is an emergent property of these micro-level interactions (Hinde, 1966). 

Thus, to understand the complexity of social groups, a detailed understanding of how primates interact with others to build and maintain social relationships over time is required, as this is at the heart of what makes primate life socially complex (Dunbar and Shultz, 2010). 

Other species also come together in large groups (e.g., grazing ungulates such as wildebeest), but these are aggregations of animals, with less stable group membership and thus less stable social relationships between individuals (Haddadi et al., 2011). 

In contrast, primates live in groups with stable membership, and form long-lasting bonds with certain individuals within the group, where they flexibly respond to one another in repeated instances of affiliative interaction (Dunbar, 1992b). Individual variation in the nature of these social bonds has direct fitness consequences—for example, the sociality of adult female baboons (as measured by grooming and proximity to others) is positively associated with both their own (Smuts, 1985; Palombit et al., 1997; Silk et al., 2010b) and their offspring's survival (Silk, 2007). It is the dynamic and multi-facetted nature of these social relationships, and the need for individual primates both to keep track of its own relationships, and the relationships of other group members (third party relationships), that is hypothesized to drive the social complexity of primate life (Silk, 1999; Engh et al., 2006; le Roux et al., 2013; Roberts and Roberts, 2015).

Thus, one of the distinctive characteristics of primate sociality is its complexity, with complex social systems defined as those in which individuals communicate frequently in many different contexts with many different individuals, and repeatedly interact with many of the same individuals over time (Freeberg et al., 2012). The fact that the neocortex ratio correlates strongly with typical group size lends support to the idea that the larger neocortex in primates evolved under selection to manipulate information about social relationships. 

The social brain hypothesis assumes that cognitive processing capacities (represented by relative neocortex size) place an upper limit on the size of groups that can be maintained as a cohesive social unit. Primates do not maintain equally strong relationships with all group members, but form differentiated, stable, long-lasting bonds with both related and unrelated group members (Pepper et al., 1999; Langergraber et al., 2009; Mitani, 2009; Silk et al., 2010a). One of the primary mechanisms that primates use for creating and maintaining social bonds is grooming, which can account for up to 20% of their total daytime activity budget. 

The amount of time primates spend grooming is positively related to group size, suggesting that when groups are large, primates have to spend more time maintaining their social relationships than in small groups (Aiello and Dunbar, 1993; Lehmann et al., 2007). However, the amount of time primates can devote to grooming is limited, because of the demands of other essential activities, notably feeding, resting, and moving (Dunbar, 1992a). 

Thus, social bonding in primates is constrained by two independent variables—neocortex size which sets an upper limit to the number of relationships individual primates can keep track of, and the amount of time that is available for grooming, which is necessary to maintain social relationships at a sufficient level to prevent the bond from decaying (Dunbar, 1993; Lehmann et al., 2007). 

If the number of individuals in a group becomes too large, it becomes increasingly difficult for individuals to maintain social bonds with all group members. Thus, group cohesion will decrease and the bonds will eventually decay. For example, the probability that a baboon group will split increases with increasing group size (Henzi et al., 1997). This seems to be determined not by inefficient foraging in larger groups or by predation risk, but directly by the inability of individuals to service social relationships in the face of the inevitably limited amount of time available for social interaction (Henzi et al., 1997). 

However, it is increasingly being recognized that in addition to grooming, vocalizations (sounds made with the vocal tract) and gestural communication (voluntary movements of the arm, hand, head, or whole body; Roberts et al., 2014a,b) may also play key roles in developing and maintaining social bonds in primates. Time constraints limit the amount of time available for grooming (Lehmann et al., 2007), but vocal and gestural signals are less constrained by time, and thus may offer an important additional way to regulate social relations in groups of primates. 

Comparative analysis has demonstrated that evolutionary increases in the size of the vocal repertoire in non-human primates were associated with increases in both group size and also time spent grooming (McComb and Semple, 2005). This suggests that vocal communication may play a role in maintaining groups of primates—larger groups are more complex to manage, and thus require a larger vocal repertoire to maintain an increasing number of differentiated relationships. 

Further, differences in the amount of time devoted to affiliative gestural communication, but not other types of gestures, across three macaque social systems, provides an indication that gestural communication may be used flexibly to maintain a differentiated set of social relationships (Maestripieri, 2005). However, systematic studies of how vocalizations—and especially gestures—are associated with social relationships in primates are in their infancy, despite the potential significance of such studies for furthering our understanding of social evolution in both primates and humans.

Chimpanzees are an excellent species to examine this question because they have complex social dynamics. In the chimpanzee fission-fusion social system, the association patterns change by means of the fission and fusion of subunits (known as parties or sub-groups) according to both the activity (e.g., resting, feeding) and distribution of resources (Pepper et al., 1999). 

Individuals thus stay in close proximity with some conspecifics from the wider community at infrequent intervals, often weeks apart, but each individual can recognize members of their own community and is capable of maintaining long-term relationships with these individuals (Boesch, 1996; Barrett et al., 2003; Muller and Mitani, 2005; Amici et al., 2008; Eckhardt et al., 2015). 

Reciprocated social relationships are a key feature of the chimpanzee social system and are marked by increased time and energy investment in repeated and reciprocated instances of association and interaction (Watts, 2006; Mitani, 2009). Chimpanzees also have social relationships with non-reciprocated social partners or weakly bonded conspecifics with whom they have less frequent association and interaction (Foerster et al., 2015). 

A recent study showed that the presence of reciprocated close proximity bonds between pairs of chimpanzees (i.e., those pairs who spent larger amounts of time in close proximity, per hour spent in the same party) was associated with several behavioral indices. These included a longer duration of visual attention directed at the dyad partner, a longer duration of mutual grooming and received grooming, and a longer duration of time spent resting and traveling, per hour the pair of chimpanzees spent in close proximity (within 10 m; Roberts and Roberts, 2016). 

Moreover, chimpanzees use a communication system consisting of gestures (Leavens et al., 2004; Forrester, 2008; Hobaiter and Byrne, 2011; Roberts et al., 2012a,b, 2013, 2014a; Smith and Delgado, 2013; Bard et al., 2014) and vocalizations to maintain their relationships (Van Lawick-Goodall, 1967, 1968; Goodall, 1986; Mitani and Nishida, 1993; Mitani et al., 1999; Roberts and Roberts, 2016). 

For instance, chimpanzees use visual gestures with strongly bonded individuals and tactile or auditory gestures with weakly bonded individuals (Roberts and Roberts, 2016). Gestural communication that has previously been suggested to be important in relation to social bonds includes gestures made when encountering each other after a natural period of separation, in response to the threat of aggression or after receiving aggression (Roberts et al., 2014a; Taglialatela et al., 2015). 

Vocal communication hypothesized to be important in relation to social bonding in chimpanzees includes pant-hoot calls produced solo or jointly with group members in conjunction with visual or auditory gestures (Mitani and Nishida, 1993; Fedurek et al., 2013) and one-to-one calls (e.g., low intensity pant-grunt calls produced by a subordinate individual towards a dominant chimpanzee). Whilst it is well-known that chimpanzees use a wide variety of gestures and vocalizations when interacting, there have been no systematic studies of how both vocal and gestural communication relate to association and grooming patterns in chimpanzees.

In this study we predict that the number and strength of close proximity relationships maintained with others (expressed as duration of time spent within 10 m per hour spent in the same party) are associated both with biological factors (e.g., maternal kinship, age similarity, sex similarity, reproductive similarity; Huchard et al., 2016) and social bonding (communication and grooming). Specifically, we hypothesize that grooming and affiliative communication have a bonding function through reducing the risk of aggression and therefore are associated with close proximity. Thus, proximity bonds, grooming, and dominance-aggression gestures will correlate, indicating a cost to sociality. However, when affiliative communication and grooming are included in the model, the relationship between the dominance-aggression gestures and proximity will become weaker. 

Thus, the bonds chimpanzees will have with other individuals will be differentiated, with strong social relationships based on grooming and affiliative communication, whereas weaker social relationships will be based on dominance communication, as chimpanzees use different types of behavior to maintain the different types of bonds. In addition to these group level associations between communication and proximity, individual chimpanzees also display a large amount of variation in the size of their individual proximity networks. 

The size of this network reflects the number of conspecifics with whom individual chimpanzees maintain close proximity. The larger the size of the individual proximity network, the greater the time and cognitive demands on maintaining these more numerous social relationships. 

Thus, we predict that in smaller networks, chimpanzees will form relatively strong ties with all network members, with frequent interactions based on affiliative communication and grooming behavior (Mitani, 2009). 

However, as individual network size increases, the ties chimpanzees will have with other individuals will become increasingly weak, with less frequent interactions and an increasing dissociation between strong and weak association networks. 

These weaker, indirect ties are cognitively complex to manage, and this is especially true in fission-fusion social systems where the frequency of interaction between two individuals will be much lower than in other social systems where there is a greater degree of temporal and spatial cohesion between group members (Barrett et al., 2003).

One manner of communication that could be used to service these weak social bonds is one-to-one gestures and vocalizations, as unlike grooming these behaviors do not require prolonged physical contact (Roberts et al., 2012b). 

However, one-to-one communication still requires some degree of close proximity and one-to-one prior visual attention (Roberts et al., 2014a) or brief tactile contact and thus a relatively low number of individuals can be bonded with at any one time. 

Moreover, these interactions are cognitively complex because animals have to remember the identities of the interactants and their past and present relationships with them to bond in an efficient manner. 

Thus, a signaling and bonding strategy of this type may not be effective in meeting the demands of maintaining social relationships in a large proximity network. 

In contrast, a larger-scale, vocally-based bonding system, such as a pant-hoot call, can be produced jointly by several individuals at the same time (Mitani and Nishida, 1993). In this context, simultaneous, rhythmically matched sound production and/or movement can replace the need for prolonged physical contact and act as an alternative bonding mechanism to grooming (Tarr et al., 2014). 

Here we therefore predict that the joint communication enables chimpanzees to bond effectively with the individuals beyond the size of the one-to-one grooming and communication network. 

Thus, there will be a switch from one-to-one grooming and communication to joint communication when the chimpanzees maintain large proximity networks. Such a communication system reduces the need for one-to-one interactions and therefore decreases the time and cognitive demands arising from one-to-one social bonding. How chimpanzees adjust their patterns of communication and grooming in proximity networks of differing sizes is thus informative of the key cognitive and time-budget pressures involved in sociality.

Social Brain Hypothesis: Vocal and Gesture Networks of Wild Chimpanzees

Dunbar proposed the Social Brain Hypothesis which contends that primates have large brains because they live in complex societies; the larger the social group, the bigger the brain. Accordingly, from the size of the brain, the frontal lobe in particular, one might be able to predict the optimal social group size for that animal.  In a meta analysis, he related primate brain size to the average size of the social group each species lives in. His estimate of brain size emphasized the neocortex and he judged the size of the social group based on the number of animals that practice social grooming together. The study looked at 38 different primate groups and he found a strong and remarkably linear correlation between brain size and social group size.

Dunbar had data on humans as well and it occurred to him to ask what the optimal human social group would be based on the data from nonhuman primates. He fit a linear regression to the group/neocortex ratio for non-human primates and extrapolated it to the size of the human neocortex. Judging from the size of an average human brain, the number of people one would have in her/his social group is predicted to be one hundred and fifty. This is Dunbar’s number, ~150 (95% confidence interval; 100 to 230). Anything beyond that, he suggests, is too complicated to handle at optimal processing levels.

Support for Donbar’s number comes from unlikely places. The average group size among modern hunter-gatherer societies is 148.4 individuals. Company size in professional armies is close to 150 from the Roman Empire and sixteenth-century Spain to the twentieth-century Soviet Union. Then there is the interesting story of GORE-TEX, the company that makes rain gear and such.  Bill Gore, the guy who founded the company, was quite successful and he opened up a large factory that also continued to grow. Then one day he walked into his factory and realized he simply didn’t know who everybody was. He wondered whether as the company grew, people would start to become less likely to work hard and help each other out. He observed that after putting about 150 people in the same building, things at GORE-TEX just didn’t run as smoothly. People couldn’t keep track of each other and a sense of community diminished. So Gore decided to cap his factories at 150 employees. Whenever they needed to expand, he just build a new factory, sometimes right next door. Things ran better this way. This famous story from the realm of corporate sociology seems to support Dunbar’s number. Malcolm Gladwell discusses it in The Tipping Point.

There is more. The estimated size of a Neolithic farming village is 150; 150 is the splitting point of Hutterite settlements; 200 appears to be the upper bound on the number of academics in a discipline’s sub-specializations.  One has to ask, is this all coincidence, or is it neurobiology?

Breaking down the Dunbar number

In her New Yorker article, Maria Konnikova points out that the Dunbar number is actually a series of numbers. The best known, 150, is the number of people we call casual friends—the people we’d invite to a large party (in reality, it’s a range: 100 at the low end and 200 for the more social of us.). From there, based on interviews and survey data, Dunbar concluded that the number grows and declines according to roughly a “rule of three.” The next step down, 50, is the number of people we call close friends; you see them regularly. Then there’s the circle of 15, the friends that you can turn to for sympathy and can confide in. The most intimate Dunbar number, 5, is your close support group. These are your best friends and often family members.

Cognitive Limits, Social Networks and Dunbar’s Number

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