75 Reasons Not to Fear Socialism

((( 75 Socialist Institutions )))    Military / Highways and Roads / Public Libraries / Police / Fire Department / Postal Service / Student Loans and Grants / Brides / Garbage Collection / Public Landfills / War / Farm Subsidies / CIA / FBI / Congressional Health Care / Polio Vaccine / EPA / Social Security / Museums / Public Schools / Prison System / Corporate Subsidies / Veteran’s Health Care / Public Parks / Every Single Elected Government Official / Food Stamps / Sewer System / Medicare / Court System / Bird Flu Vaccine / GI Bill / Hoover Dam / Zoos / IRS / Free Lunch Program / The Pentagon / Medicaid / FDA / Health Care / Workers / Swine Flu Vaccine / SSDI / Beaches / Corporate Bailouts / State Construction / Unemployment Insurance / City & Metro Buses / WIC / State Snow Removal / Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) / CDC / Welfare / Public Street Lighting / FEMA / Public Defenders / SCHIP / Amtrak / NPR / Department of Homeland Security / OSHA / State and National Monuments / USDA / Government Scholarships / Health and Human Service / Census Bureau / Department of Energy / Border Protection / Department of Education / Secret Service / Peace Corps / Department of Justice / National Weather Service / The White House / Government / The Law / Civilization

Socialism. The big, bad word that scares the bejeebies out of conservatives, right-wingers and, well, basically anyone that walks through life with blinders on.

Socialism. There’s not many words that are more feared and hated in America. It’s the monster that hides in the closet of your childhood mind. You’re not quite sure what the monster is about, but you know it should be something to be afraid of. You’ve watched too many Scooby Doo cartoons. You can’t explain the monster, but you know it’s in there. You’ve never taken the time to look at the monster for yourself, but rather have relied on the warnings and whispers of other fourth-graders who tell you the monster is real.

Socialism. Like the monster in the closet of your childhood bedroom, you’ve never stopped to look at socialism. You only know that your friends speak in hush-hush tones and you instinctively feel that it’s something to fear. You’ve listened to Bill O’Reilly and Republicans and you “know” that socialism is bad. You can’t find Ukraine on a map, but you know all there is to know about socialism.

Well, you’re in for a surprise. Those three syllables conjure up views and ideas of Big Brother Government. Those three syllables will tell us what to eat, what to wear, what to buy and what to think. We’ll wake up any day and find our kids in little national uniforms being indoctrinated with government education camps and turned into little robots.

Meat-headed followers of the herd imagine the Democrats running American into the USSR because America will give money to poor people; but these same meat-heads don’t see how giving money to billion dollar corporations is not socialism.

Socialism. It’s scary stuff. It’s going to get scarier. I have some frightening news for you.

Socialism is alive and well in America and it’s been here for decades.  Well, that’s not all. It’s going to get worse. Grab a seat and set down before reading on.

The Truth. The truth is you love socialism and you use it every day. Relax. Relax and breathe. It will be ok.

America is still a capitalist nation. In the USA, an individual can still make a gazillion dollars, get a huge tax cut and pay employees peanuts while you as the owner can set sail in your yacht to run from any guilt that may be your inconvenient truth. Don’t freak out — there’s more to come.

America is wrapped in socialism and people like it. Even you! Yes. I know. I can hear your thoughts. You’re thinking that you’re a conservative that believes in freedom, the constitution, apple pie and Mom. You hate handouts and believe in hard work. You believe that government should just move it on over, get out of the way, let you live and prosper on your terms.

You know that all rich people have worked hard and all poor people are lazy. There’s just no way that people could hold down 2 or 3 jobs and work hard, but still can’t make ends meet.  You have it all figured out.

But then, even you and your precious kiddies get a little boost from socialism — now and then.

You’re A Closet Socialist. Just think of this short article as an intervention. Think of it as your “coming-out-of-the-closet” party. Everyone knows you’re a closet socialist. It’s OK. You’re among friends. Besides everyone knew about your socialist leanings — except you.

Socialism is Responsible For all This;

 1.  Military

 2.  Highways and Roads

 3.  Public Libraries

 4.  Police

 5.  Fire Department

 6.  Postal Service

 7.  Student Loans and Grants

 8.  Bridges

 9.  Garbage Collection

10.  Public Landfills

11.  War

12.  Farm Subsidies

13.  CIA

14.  FBI

15.  Congressional Health Care

16.  Polio Vaccine

17.  EPA

18.  Social Security

19.  Museums

20.  Public Schools

21.  Prison System

22.  Corporate Subsidies

23.  Veteran’s Health Care

24.  Public Parks

25.  Every Single Elected Government Official

26.  Food Stamps

27.  Sewer System

28.  Medicare

29.  Court System

30.  Bird Flu Vaccine

31.  GI Bill

32.  Hoover Dam

33.  Zoos

34.  IRS

35.  Free Lunch Program

36.  The Pentagon

37.  Medicaid

38.  FDA

39.  Health Care for 9/11 Workers

40.  Swine Flu Vaccine

41.  SSDI

42.  Beaches

43.  Corporate Bailouts

44.  State Construction

45.  Unemployment Insurance

46.  City & Metro Buses

47.  WIC

48.  State Snow Removal

49.  Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

50.  CDC

51.  Welfare

52.  Public Street Lighting

53.  FEMA

54.  Public Defenders

55.  SCHIP

56.  Amtrak

57.  NPR

58.  Department of Homeland Security

59.  OSHA

60.  State and National Monuments

61.  USDA

62.  Government Scholarships

63.  Health and Human Service

64.  Census Bureau

65.  Department of Energy

66.  Border Protection

67.  Department of Education

68.  Secret Service

69.  Peace Corps

70.  Department of Justice

71.  National Weather Service

72.  The White House

73.  Government

74.  The Law

75.  Civilization

There you have it. It doesn’t matter who you are. Rich. Poor. Teaparty. Republican. Liberal Socialist. In some way, you benefit from at least one of these American Government Run, Taxpayer funded Socialist programs, laws and agencies.

Don’t worry. A completely socialist nation wouldn’t work. Neither would a completely capitalist nation. I’m just trying to show that the two can co-exist peacefully. I know, because they always have.

I’m a believer in freedom and I believe that options are a form of freedom. Right now, in the USA, I can send mail through the postal service or I can choose a private courier like FedEx.

As Americans who have not lost the ability to think critically, people who think like I do, don’t want a government takeover — we want options. We think that America’s freedoms include the right to be able to select a government health care if we don’t particularly care for our private plan.

If you’re between 18-64, you don’t have any options in health care and no freedom.  I don’t understand why some people don’t view this as a corporate takeover of health-care.

So quit spitting out the company line about the monster in the closet. Open the door, talk to the monster and see for yourself. Let’s stop the madness and start a serious discussion about socialism and the role it has in America.

Jerry Nelson is a freelance writer and photographer who covers social justice issues globally. Busy on assignment in South America, Jerry is always interested in discussing future work opportunities. Contact him today at jandrewnelson2@gmail.com and follow him on Twitter.

75 Reasons Not to Fear Socialism — by Jerry Nelson


The truth is, the U.S. and other countries employ a spectrum of social and economic practices, ranging from pure capitalism at one end to pure socialism at the other. “Communist China” actually embraces free-market economics and private enterprise. The U.S., U.K., France, Germany, and the Nordic nations — all wealthy capitalist countries — support many socialist institutions and practices.

Institutions that use public funds to serve the people …could arguably be deemed “socialist” — include:

  • More than 98,000 public schools and about 1,750 public colleges and universities, plus numerous junior colleges, community colleges and vocational schools in every state;
  • The U.S. public transportation system (trains, trolleys, subways and buses, including school buses, plus the rails, roads and highways they run on that are owned by, run by, paid for by, and/or heavily subsidized and regulated by governments);
  • More than 10,000 public library systems;
  • Waste-collection systems across the U.S., which are mainly supported by public funds;
  • Almost 30,000 fire departments;
  • About 1,000 public hospitals;
  • 911 emergency services; satellite communication systems; the backbone infrastructure of the internet; management of the public airwaves for radio and TV;
  • Numerous public beaches, parks, forests, recreation areas, nature preserves, reservations and grazing lands.
Trump Is Trying to Scare You With the “Socialism” Boogeyman

Know the Major Differences between Private- and Public-Sector Companies

The primary difference between public- and private-sector jobs is that public-sector jobs are generally within a government agency, whilst private-sector jobs are those where employees are working for non-governmental agencies. This includes jobs within individual businesses as well as within other types of company organizations.

If you are looking for employment but are not sure whether you seek to work within the public or private sector, then the following guide will provide you with some useful tips and advice on the different types of jobs available within each sector:

Examples of public-sector employment areas:

Health and Care 
Emergency services
Armed forces
Civil service

City councils 

There are a number of advantages to working in the public sector, including job stability and the various high-quality benefits packages available. These include excellent retirement benefits and favorable insurance policies. Public employees typically enjoy better job security than private employees, except during periods of major budget cuts. Also, many government positions are permanent appointments once a probationary period has been met. After this period has past, it is very unlikely for an employee to be laid off.

Furthermore, once you have been granted employment within the public sector, it is relatively easy to move from one public sector position to another whilst still retaining the same benefits, holiday entitlements, and sick pay as you did in your previous role. In general, government workers also tend to earn better compensation compared to their private-sector counterparts; however, certain private-sector occupations can earn far more than the average public-employee salary.

Examples of private-sector employment areas:

Financial services
Law firms
Estate agents
Newspapers or magazines

The benefits of working in the private sector traditionally outweigh the benefits of working in the public sector. Private sector employment allows greater fluidity if moving from one job to another. Further still, for those individuals remaining within the same company, it is far easier to quickly move up within a company, as these decisions are made within the company rather than being based on central rules and regulations as stipulated by the government.

In addition to the above, individuals employed within the public sector will find a greater degree of flexibility when obtaining a pay rise, with companies in the position to offer regular pay rises if an employee sufficiently fulfills his or her obligations. There is also greater variety in potential job descriptions within the private sector, given that public employers have a set number of roles to play in society.

However, a more competitive marketplace can mean longer hours and more demanding work environments, compared to the more stable environment found in the public sphere. Public agencies are not subject to the market pressures present in the private sector.



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